lunedì 24 febbraio 2014


Thanks to for their fast shipping and delivering!
I'm making chamomile for the osmopriming process that will help seeds to sprout out.

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domenica 23 febbraio 2014

7pot transplanted

One of mine 7pot hybrid is going to reborn. Is it going to be hotter?

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sabato 22 febbraio 2014


I'm going to finish making my really cheap ( < 20€ ) lightbox for my chilis'seeds.
It'll contain:

  1. Carolina Reaper® 
  2. 7 Pot  
  3. White Bullet Habanero 
  4. Shabu Shabu 
  5. Aji Crystal
  6. 7pot White
  7. JAFSH
  8. Trinidad Douglah
  9. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
  10. Nagalah

  • How I made the lightbox:

I took a plastic container, just like a fruit can, a box, aluminum foil as a mirror for the light and an aluminum can for the 30W bulb. I will add a fan too that will help airing the lightbox. Easy!

I've reached 28°C, so it sounds cool!
I will put a bowl full of water to increase the humidity.

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giovedì 20 febbraio 2014

7pot / hybrid / testing

Avevo comprato i semi da un negoziante ebay, venduti come 7pot. In realtà si sono dimostrati solo un ibrido. Per fortuna questo non ha inciso troppo sul loro grado di piccantezza che rimane comunque elevato.
Ho provato a fare, dunque, un mio primo video di test e forse più in là ne farò altri ( stomaco permettendo ).
Spero sia di vostro gradimento :)

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